A three-day series of conferences and workshops offered by international and local experts highlighting global issues and concrete initiatives related to the Fab City movement. The event includes formal presentations, the state of the network and presentation on the official commitment of new cities and regions.

A two-part Summit

A one-day divided into official ceremonies for participants, policy makers and experts in the fields of design, urban planning, digital and smart manufacturing, and open innovation.

The two-day Fab City Conference with speakers and workshops to deepen in smaller groups around key topics or flagship projects in a participatory manner.

Field visits, an opportunity for participants to discover local initiatives throughout the territory of the host city.

An opportunity to join a collaborative movement between researchers, urban planners, designers, specialists in innovation, representatives of organizations and civic society who share a common vision: to reinvent the functioning of our cities so that they are more sustainable and resilient.

The goal of the network is to globally connect cities that wish to become locally productive and self-sufficient.

Fab City Global Initiative

The global Fab City initiative acts as a global infrastructure and knowledge source for transforming the way we work, live, interact and evolve in cities. The Fab City movement acts in complementarity with sustainable development, the circular economy and the participatory city. However, it distinguishes itself by trying to imagine concrete solutions and by focusing more specifically on the exploitation of materials and the production of everyday goods.

Our Challenge

New technologies have opened up the possibilities of more local, digital and circular production. They contribute to the manufacture of goods and services, coupled with a demand that is being disrupted by the rapid transformation of our lifestyles and growing environmental awareness.

We are entering a transition to a new industrial cycle where the city can once again become a high-potential production area.

Fab City’s strategy is to create a new production ecosystem to act in the face of the growing impacts of globalization and offer citizens the means to innovate and produce locally, so that they are actively engaged in the transformation of their cities.

The Fab City initiative emerges from and works in close proximity to the international Fab Labs network, a steadily growing ecosystem of more than 2,000 digital manufacturing labs in over 126 countries, studying the future of materials, citizenship, manufacturing and entrepreneurship. The global Fab City movement takes the ideals of the Fab Lab – connectivity, culture and creativity – and brings them to the scale of the city.

Meet our speakers

Sherry Lassiter
Sherry Lassiter
President & CEO, The Fab Foundation
Neil Gershenfeld
Neil Gershenfeld
Professor and Director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (USA)
Tomás Díez
Tomás Díez
Fab Cities, Iaac Barcelona
Raquel Peñalosa
Raquel Peñalosa
Landscape Architect, President IFLA AMERICAS 2014-2018
Sylvain Carle
Sylvain Carle
Senior Director, SecondMuse Capital
See all speakers



At a glance

The Fab City Summit from August 13 to 15, 2021

A three-day series of conferences and workshops offered by world and local luminaries that highlight the global issues facing cities and territories and the concrete initiatives surrounding the growth of Fab Cities.

The tracks of the Fab City Summit:

  • Ecological Transition
  • Life Sciences
  • Sustainable Design and Biomimicry
  • Advanced Production Ecosystem
  • Education for the future
  • Regenerative Economy

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