Project Description

Artists will create street murals to inspire the importance of biodiversity in the urban environment. Artists are invited to create these ground frescoes with gouache in 12×12 feet format.

14 artists are invited to create street murals to illustrate the Fab City in front of the Campus on L’Esplanade Street in the District Central of Montal. 12 x 12 ft. murals will be created with gouache to preserve the ephemeral aspect of the works. This artistic performance aims to inspire the public on the importance of biodiversity in the urban environment through the realization of diversified works specific to the universe of each artist. Photos of the work in progress and of the final result of these murals will be posted on the social media of Fab City Montréal, the District Central and Communautique.

An initiative of

The District Central is the 4th largest employment hub in Montal, with more than 1,800 businesses and industries generating over 25,000 jobs. It covers a vast territory of 3 km² which is undergoing a requalification from an industrial sector to a business sector. It is known for its legendary Chabanel sector where the fashion industry is still active and where an aggregate of bold and innovative designers is bringing a wind of renewal and growth to the area. A new wave of daring, creative and determined entrepreneurs is settling in and regrouping around three important business poles: design, urban manufacturing and technology. Today, companies such as SSENSE, Pixmob, Big Bang ERP, Maison Marie Saint Pierre, Matt & Nat, Lufa Farms, Terra Café, Bois Urbain, Communautique and CIOT are established in the District Central. Thanks to them, the textile district has become the design district, factories are being transformed into urban factories and the technology industry is taking root.

Communautique’s mission is to support citizen participation by promoting information literacy, the appropriation of information and communication technologies and the contribution to their development. For 22 years, Communautique has been working to democratize access to technology in a perspective of economic, cultural and social development. It is a pioneer in the arrival of Living Labs, which it has greatly contributed to making known, as well as in the advent of Fab Labs in Québec. He opened echofab, the first Fab Lab in Canada, co-founded the Coop Fab Labs Québec and led the advent of the Fab City movement in Québec.

The artists

Camille Pépin

She is an illustrator and motion designer in Montréal. During her studies in Interactive Media at UQAM, she worked on major projects such as her participation in the Tokyo International Projection Mapping Award and a promotional video for Québec artist Klô Pelgag. In 2019, her film Les Angles won the award for best student animated short film at the FFEQ. Today, she continues to learn with online training on the renowned Motion Design School platform while working on different contracts.

Chantal Smedbol

Chantal Smedbol works for an urban revitalization NPO where she develops projects in tactical urbanism. She is also a freelance illustrator and as such has led artistic projects for Revitalisation Saint-Pierre and Ça va de soi. Her illustrations represent flora – real and imagined -, the city and the human form.

Duncan Sanderson

Duncan has received university education  in various artistic disciplines including painting, photography and sculpture (B.A. in Visual Arts, UQAM). Duncan’s practice is to move back and forth between the forms and textures of nature and the expressive potential of man-made materials. He adds to this a touch of poetry and humor.  His interest in form is combined with strong tactile impressions. 

Émile Riopel

He tries in many ways to use his hands and his volcanic head to visually interpret the world that moves around him. After having put his energies into the study of visual arts at Collège Lionel-Groulx, he will continue to work his way towards UQAM this fall. A few exhibitions have allowed him to present his lines and his wood assemblages to the eyes of others. He builds and searches for a way, a recipe to find his humanity through this material world that overwhelms us. He is here and his lines will speak for him.

Geneviève Lechasseur

Geneviève Lechasseur is a multidisciplinary artist (bachelor in visual arts and dance). She first worked in theater before returning to dance through an encounter with choreographer Jocelyne Montpetit in 1989, which was decisive for her approach to the body in movement, thus discovering Butoh (dance derived from or an offshoot of No, Kabuki and German expressionism in a post-war context in Japan).

Guillaume Brame

Born in Tokyo, raised in France and currently working in Montréal, Gallium works as an artist in the video game industry, where he customizes objects in limited editions or as one-offs. At the age of 19, he entered the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris, where he trained as an illustrator. As part of his diploma, he studied for a year in Kyoto and reconnected with his origins. Gallium is fascinated by the paranormal, mysticism, the exploration of consciousness and symbolism.

Jeh Martinez

Jeh Martinez is a Montréal born self-taught visual artist. Usually working with a pen or paintbrush, canvases or clothes, she shows us a very specific and instantly recognizable character going through different situations, phases and emotions in her life, which could shock in a beautiful way. She stands out by being very raw and sometimes gore-ish with what she chooses to show. From extracting a tooth, to eating a brain, her message has no limit on how to be shared.

Josiane Cyr

She holds a college diploma in visual arts from Cégep du Vieux Montréal and a bachelor’s degree in visual and media arts from Université du Québec à Montréal. She worked for more than 12 years as a costume prop maker for Cirque du Soleil. This professional experience, which ended in 2019, greatly nourished her both creatively and technically. Indeed, she was able to develop her expertise and learn more about the different techniques of painting, molding, sewing, etc.

Marie-Chloé Duval

Originally from Québec, a Canadian province, Marie-Chloé Duval pursues a path as contrasted and audacious as her works. Initially attracted by a career in criminology, Duval discovered her interest in art when she was finishing her graduate studies. The writing of her thesis was undoubtedly the trigger for a push to express herself and illustrate her vision of the human being and society.

Marie-Pier Théberge

Originally from Rivière-du-Loup in Bas-Saint-Laurent, Marie-Pier Théberge is a transdisciplinary artist who works and lives in Montréal. In 2013, she completed her Master’s degree in Visual and Media Arts at the Université du Québec à Montréal entitled “A practice of self-representation revealing the mechanisms of the artist’s identity construction in the art world”. In 2015-2020, she began her doctoral studies in Art Studies and Practices at the same university.

Maxilie Martel

Maxilie Martel, aka Mono Sourcil, is a multidisciplinary muralist born in Montréal in 1989. She continued her studies in visual and media arts at UQAM in order to refine her techniques, her thoughts and her approach. Towards the end of her studies in 2012, Maxilie began to take an interest in the world of street art and graffiti, which she finds more free and intuitive. She devoted herself to it full time for 4 years, under the pseudonym of “Mono Sourcil”, before undertaking a master’s degree in sculpture at Concordia University in 2016, which she finished in 2020.

Pier-Luc St-Germain

Pier-Luc St-Germain is a freelance illustrator, graphic designer and designer. He specializes in branding as well as playful illustration. He works with a wide range of corporate and cultural clients, from commercial arteries to large international institutions, from advertising storyboards to independent music groups, from small publishing houses to large television stations. He learned to draw while immersed in a world of comics and cartoons. He spends his time in his imagination rather than updating his portfolio.

Sabrina Amado

Sabrina Amado is an Uruguayan emerging artist specializing in visual arts, digital illustration and street art. She is currently based in Montreal, Canada. Born in 1997, recently graduated from Concordia University (Fall 2020) with a double major in marketing and management. Business mindset, art-travel-dog lover, and self-taught artist. She considers herself as an “ARTrepreneur” merging her business and artistic passion into Amadoodle. Her current style is based on mandalas and patterns that are inspired by her nature travels, the surroundings, and then she incorporates them into her artworks. She started doing paste-ups in 2019 to spread positivity all around the world!

Sylvia Meillon

Sylvia Meillon is a visual artist based in Montréal. Her practice in painting and collage is a contemporary abstract exploration of natural phenomena. With a BFA from Concordia University, her work has been exhibited in Canada and Switzerland, as well as being included in several private collections in North America and Europe. In 2019 she was artist in residence at the Convento de Mértola in Portugal, a research center dedicated to art, ecology and biodiversity.

To note

Friday, August 13th from 9am to 4pm