08:00-08:30 EDT Montréal 14:00-14:30 CEST |
Welcome Ceremony30 minutes
08:30-08:45 EDT Montréal 14:30-14:45 CEST |
New Cities pledge to produce (almost) everything they consume by 205415 minutes |
08:45-09:00 EDT Montréal 15:00-15:40 CEST |
State of the Fab City movement and of the Network – Barcelona15 minutes
09:00-09:40 EDT Montréal 15:00-15:40 CEST |
State of the Fab City movement and of the Network40 minutes
09:40-09:45 | Bio Break | |
09:45-11:45 EDT Montréal 15:45-17:45 CEST |
Panel : Fabricating the Commons120 minutes
The concept of the commons is native to many of the world’s indigenous communities. The approach of commoning resources and knowledge is logical when collaboration happens at a small scale. When scaled to a global context, the commons become more complex. While digital technologies can connect us globally, we have repeatedly seen how the internet can also divide us specifically through the application of extractive models that have been imposed since the early days of globalisation. In spite of today’s globalised world, not every local context is the same. As such, the tools and systems needed to fabricate just global commons need to be adaptable, open and flexible. They need to respond to cultural diversity and to local needs, while supporting the wider community and the interconnected life-support systems. This session gives us the opportunity to learn from designers, makers, and activists that are building such tools and systems for large-scale collaboration. We will open a discussion about the fundamental principles that need to be embedded by design into the future platforms that can enable a just commons approach at the global scale. |
10:50-11:00 | Bio Break | |
11:00-11:45 EDT Montréal 17:00-17:45 CEST |
Panel: Montréal and Fabricating the Commons45 minutes
Urbanization has played a central role in the loss of global biodiversity but it can also be part of the solution. What is the importance of biodiversity for the city and its inhabitants and why should we make it, along with the fight against climate change, the top global priority? From conservation and regeneration techniques to the notion of ecosystem services and the global governance challenges of protecting biodiversity, we will explore how the FabCity movement can help reverse the ecological collapse that we face. |
11:45-12:00 EDT Montréal 17:45-18:00 CEST |
Announcements of what is coming up next!15 minutes
Key remarks of the session |
12:00 EDT Montréal 18:00 CEST |
Design X Distributed Innovation2 hours
Fab City Boston2 hours
Fab City Lebanon competition: www.code961.co1 hour
14:00 EDT Montréal 20:00 CEST |
Fresque du Climat2 hours
La créativité du réemploi2 hours
Imagining the future : A collective workshop2 hours
Open innovation as a business model1 hour
Assainir son environnement digital20 minutes
Maximiser l’existant en immobilier par les projets d’occupation transitoire20 minutes
Étude typologique des formes de mise en commun citoyenne au Québec20 minutes
Créer des Parcours entrepreneuriaux collectifs pour les PME d’une région ou un secteur20 minutes
14:30 EDT Montréal 20:30 CEST |
Microcertifications et badges numériques pour contribuer à des sociétés résilientes20 minutes
15:00 EDT Montréal 21:00 CEST |
The Mind and Body – A Visual Relationship20 minutes
Le processus de transformation sociale de Coop Nitaskinan20 minutes
01:00 EDT Montréal 07:00 CEST |
Fab City Udaipur2 hours
03:00 EDT Montréal 09:00 CEST |
What digital infrastructure do Fab Cities need?1 hour
04:00 EDT Montréal 10:00 CEST |
Materials data1 hour
05:00 EDT Montréal 11:00 CEST |
Plateformes digitales ouvertes et coopératives pour/et les Fab City2 hours
Fab City OS – The Digital Infrastructure for Fab Cities
20 minutes |
05:30 EDT Montréal 11:30 CEST |
Fab City Hubs, a new typology emerging from the Fab City Global Initiative20 minutes
06:00 EDT Montréal 12:00 CEST |
Collaboration with external organisations – would guidelines help?1 hour
07:00 EDT Montréal 13:00 CEST |
Strategic Action Plan (SAP)1 hour
Where to make? Introducing the Open Know-Where data standard by the Internet of Production Alliance1 hour
Rural hubs and social innovation for the post pandémic2 hours
08:00 EDT Montréal 14:00 CEST |
FAB CITIZEN – Jeu de cartes open source1 hour
Fab City Knowledge Sharing1 hour
Horizontal governance for radical transformation20 minutes
Openhealth : let’s make operational commons20 minutes
FCHH Agriculture20 minutes
AI Empowered Design20 minutes
08:30 EDT Montréal 14:30 CEST |
Microcertifications and digital badges to contribute to resilient societies20 minutes
How urban sensing can improve navigation systems for pedestrians?20 minutes
Local Farm Logical food – vers l’autonomie alimentaire des villes20 minutes
Virtual 3D showcase for innovations in aviation.20 minutes
09:30 EDT Montréal 15:30 CEST |
Business modèle et projet open-source : cas d’études2 hours
IOT – Quelles sont les meilleures pratiques (TBC)2 hours
Possible Futures Game: building scenarios2 hours
À quoi Montréal doit-elle renoncer ?2 hours
Le numérique, c’est pas automatique2 hours
I don’t wanna go back!2 hours
Fab City Communication Strategies1 hour
Education1 hour
Technological tools for urban innovation and citizen participation1 hour
Badges numériques : coopération territoriale et pouvoir d’agir1 hour
10:30 EDT Montréal 16:30 CEST |
REFLOW – a Fab City Project20 minutes
A Circular Business Model and an ecosystemic architecture for the enterprise 4.0 in the society 5.020 minutes
Por uma cidade limpa,boa e justa: A lei da Compostagem, agroecologia e zona livre de agrotóxico20 minutes
Repenser les lieux de (re)production pour se préparer au XXIIe siècle20 minutes
Le tiers lieu pour nos communautés20 minutes
Bâtir des villes à échelle humaine grâce aux données : une nouvelle application de collecte participative20 minutes
Articuler l’autoportrait de l’autonomie et le FabCity index. Premier retour d’expérience de la FabRégion Bas-Saint-Laurent.20 minutes
11:00 EDT Montréal 17:00 CEST |
Ruelles vertes et communs20 minutes
Espaces de coworking: enjeux et défis au Québec20 minutes
Local Farm Logical food – vers l’autonomie alimentaire des villes20 minutes
Une université en commun: ouvrir les possibles pédagogiques et transformationnels20 minutes
11:30 EDT Montréal 17:30 CEST |
Fab City Card Game2 hours
It’s time for Makers to re-make the world. Lessons from e-NABLE.1 hour
Atelier capteurs citoyens1 hour
Fab City et l’avenir de l’agriculture1 hour
A user-centred resource management tool for Fab Labs20 minutes
La plateforme Dia_log pour un processus délocalisé de conception partagée du territoire et de ses paysages20 minutes
L’impression 3D pour le design, la construction et le partage d’activités d’apprentissage en physique20 minutes
Badging the Commons: How Badge Nation Digital Badges Can Help Make Fab Cities20 minutes
12:00 EDT Montréal 18:00 CEST |
How “New Collar” Jobs Can Bridge the Wealth Gap20 minutes
How does the Makerspace support the development of engineering skills?20 minutes
Regulation as an enabler for Innovation20 minutes
Open-Source Assistive Technology Devices – 3D printing and making access solutions20 minutes
14:00 EDT Montréal 18:00 CEST |
Jette pas ça – réparer et remixer nos bidules du quotidien2 hours
La décentralisation électrique au Québec : enjeux et défis2 hours
Bringing the Regulator, Innovator and Academia together2 hours
Wally le Morse et la Grande Tempête2 hours
17:00 EDT Montréal 23:00 CEST |
Autautsikut / leaving none behind2 hours
10:00-11:00 EDT Montréal 16:00-17:00 CEST |
Meetup and Workshops60 minutes |
11:00-11:30 EDT Montréal 17:00-17:30 CEST |
Closing speeches and announcements30 minutes |
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